
王美蓉 教授

姓名: 王美蓉
辦公室電話: 07-8060505轉31313
學歷: 國立高雄師範大學英語研究所博士;英國愛丁堡大學應用語言硏究所碩士
類別: 專任師資
職稱: 教授
研究專長: 閱讀教學、電腦輔助寫作、專業英語(ESP)
學年度 期刊等級 論文名稱(篇名)
112其他,ESCIExploring Gen-Z consumers’ preference for specialty coffee in the socio-cultural context of Taiwan
112其他,ESCIHow is the Australian tourism and hospitality curriculum and assessment quality framework perceived elsewhere? A Taiwanese case study
111其他,International Internships, Language Competency, and Employability: Perceptions of and Gaps Between Students and Industry Stakeholders
111其他,Guest editorial-Opportunities and challenges at the nexus of coffee, tea, and tourism
111SSCI,An exploratory study of the experiencescape dimensions and customer revisit intentions for urban specialty coffee shops
111其他Balancing Production Chains, Bridging Challenges: The Potentials of Coffee Tourism in Sarawak, Malaysia
111其他,ESCIRe-Strategizing Tourism and Hospitality Assessments in a Post- COVID-19 Higher Education Landscape
111SCI,Examining Soft and Hard Attributes of Health Care Service Quality and Their Impacts on Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty
110其他,ESCIEnvisioning digitalised value chains in the aftermath of COVID-19: a case study of Philippine coffee
110SSCI,The role of face (mien-tzu) in Chinese tourists' destination choice and behaviors
110其他,ESCIEnhancing industry-ready competence and skills through design thinking integration: evidence from a CLIL-based hospitality course
110其他,ESCIThe Perceived Effectiveness of the Blended Team-based Learning (BTBL) Model on Promoting Intercultural Awareness in Hospitality Education
110SSCI,Validating the conceptual domains of elementary school teachers’ knowledge and needs vis-à-vis the CLIL approach in Chinese-speaking contexts
109ESCIEnhancing online learning environments using social presence: evidence from hospitality online courses during COVID-19
109其他,A Better Brew: COVID-19 and Sustainable Outcomes for Coffee Tourism in Ali Mountain, Taiwan
109SCI,Extending the memorable tourism experience model: a study of coffee tourism in Vietnam
109SSCI,The effectiveness of ICT-enhanced learning on raising intercultural competencies and class interaction in a hospitality course
107SSCI,The right brew? An analysis of the tourism experiences in rural Taiwan's coffee estates
105其他,Redesign the Courses to Enhance Students’ Engagement in Blended Learning Environments
104其他,From perceived needs to material design: Users evaluating the effectiveness of a self-developedEnglish for MICE textbook in a Taiwan hospitality and tourism university
103其他,Development of students’ ESP competence in the hotel industry
102SSCI,Social presence for different tasks and perceived learning in online hospitality culture exchange
101THCIExploring the relationship between EFL students’ writing errors and genres of reading articles: the case of an online reading and writing competition.
101THCI-coreAutomated Writing Evaluation: Students' Perceptions and Emotional Involvement
101SSCI,Emotions and pair trust in asynchronous hospitality cultural exchange for students in Taiwan and Hong Kong
101其他,The Design and Practice of an English Textbook for Restaurant
101其他,The influence of teacher presence in blended learning: A case study in a postgraduate course
100SSCI,Using multimodal presentation software and peer group discussion in learning English as a second language
100其他,Acoustic analyses of Chinese and English vowels
99其他,Learning from overseas internships: Program and evaluation.
99SSCI,Online collaboration and offline interaction between students using asynchronous tools in blended learning.
99其他,Tasks and challenges faced by teachers in handling an online project.
99THCISocial presence of inservice teachers in distance learning
98其他,The ability of college students to think critically as displayed in online discussion.
98其他,Pedagogical practice and students’ perceived effectiveness of web-based automated speech evaluation.
98其他,A study on the integration of online competition into an English course.
98其他,A preliminary study on the policy and the reality of ICT integration into English instruction
98SSCI,Web based projects enhancing English language and generic skills development for Asian hospitality industry students
97其他, Does it work? Ability-grouping and instruction,
97其他,Students' perceptions of web-based text sketching
97其他,What can teachers and students achieve in a ubiquitous hospitality English learning platform.
95O,The Order of Difficulty in Relative Clause Learning for Chinese EFL Students
95O,An acoustic analysis of Chinese and English consonants stops produced by native speakers and EFL learners
95O,How Do Senior High School Students of Different Genders Use Intensity Devices in BBS Postings and in Weekly Journals?