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Dr. Hsiao-I Hou

Name: Hsiao-I Hou
Telephone Office: 07-8060505 #31421
Education: University of Minnesota, PhD
Category: Full-Time
Position Titles: Associate Professor
Research expertise: EAP Teaching and Learning,Higher Education Internationalization
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school year Journal level Title (title)
103其他,"A knockout on the palates!": A corpus-based analysis of language use in the wine community
103其他,Teaching specialized vocabulary by integrating a corpus-based approach: Implications for ESP course design at the university level
102其他,A Needs Analysis of Culinary Arts Majors’ ESP Learning in Taiwan's Context
102其他,An EAP curriculum of a content and language integrated learning program for hospitality students in Taiwan
102其他,The effects of price framing and restrictions of pre-selling accommodation coupons on customer perceptions.
102其他,"Please consider my request for an interview": A cross-cultural genre analysis of cover letters written by Canadian and Taiwanese college students.
101其他, An analysis of Taiwanese aboriginal students’ educational aspirations. (獲行政院原住民委員會102年度學術專門著作甲等獎)
101其他,A Corpus Approach to Discourse Analysis of Newspaper Restaurant Reviews: A Preliminary Analysis
100其他,Advanced English Conversations for World Games 2009 Textbook: Design and Evaluation
100其他,Policies and strategies in internationalizing the hospitality education in Taiwan
99其他,Learning from overseas internships: program and evaluation
98其他,Potpourri: An English Summer Camp for Freshmen
98其他,Needs Assessment on Student Athletes' EFL Learning in Taiwan
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